An image showing a creature with pointy ears, orb-like eyes, and long tail stretches to about 40 yards on a hillside in Peru has been discovered by archaeologists last week.

Peru’s Ministry of Culture announced the recent discovery as archaeologists found the etching whil they were remodeling a section of the UNESCO heritage site.

The experts believe the geoglyph that looks like a feline dates back to 200 B.C. to 100 B.C. It is between the towns of Nazca and Palpa, abour 250 miles southeast of the capital Lima.

“The discovery shows once again, the rich and varied cultural legacy of the site,” the ministry said in a statement.

Previously, images of a hummingbird, a monkey, and an orca were unearthed on the site when a Peruvian aerial surveyor in 1927 first discovered the Nazca Lines. UNESCO then designated the Lines and Geoglyphs of Nazca and Palpa as a World Heritage site in 1994.

“It’s quite striking that we’re still finding new figures, but we also know that there are more to be found,” John Isla, Peru’ chief archaeologist for Nazca Line, told Spanish news agency Efe.

The figures are believed to serve as travel markers. Last year alone, 140 new geoglyphs were discovered at the site by researchers from Japan.


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