When it comes to high school proms and dances, it is already an unspoken rule for students to find a date to take. Though some fail to find one, this teen finds the purr-fect date for the night!

Sam Steingard decided to take his adorable cat to prom, which is both a funny and genius idea.


“My brother took our cat to prom… My mom (Joanne) decided to buy our cat a dress and a sparkly collar so my brother would have someone to take pictures with,” Steingard’s sister, Caroline, told Love Meow in an interview.

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Steingard also explained that he decided to take his cat, Ruby, because he was not planning on staying long at the prom anyway.


Ruby has been part of the Steingard family for over ten years, and Caroline said her brother and Ruby have been best friends since.

“She loves Sam because he likes to talk to her in a baby voice and he will give her treats once in a while,” Caroline said.


The family adopted Ruby when she was just a kitten. She was found behind the family’s restaurant, Ruby Tuesday’s restaurant, which is also were she got her name.

After their high school prom and graduation, Ruby spent the entire summer with her best friend Sam, before he went away for college.

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