It is no secret that losing someone very dear to us can hurt, sting, and wound us deeply. But it is different for pet parents to lose their loyal companions. More than the hurt, sting and wound, letting go of our pets can leave a gaping hole in our hearts.

35-year-old Lee Thomas-Palmer from Washington recently sent his story to Love What Matters. He talked about how his life turned upside down after learning that his dog, Zelda, did not have a lot of time left because of a tumor.

(Courtesy Lee Thomas-Palmer)

“My life has been turned upside down… some may say it isn’t the same as losing a human family member, but you’re wrong. In my opinion, it is far worse,” Thomas-Palmer wrote. “A dog creates a bond from the moment they walk into your life.”

Zelda has been part of his life for 10 years. But Thomas-Palmer said that it only took an hour for his world to crumble down.

“She has a tumor; she is too old and doesn’t have the muscle strength to make it through a surgery,” the doctor told him.

Thomas-Palmer talked about the past 10 years he has been with Zelda. She had been there with him through every breakup, new job, promotion, and every other major event in his life. “I could probably count the amount of times she has barked on one hand, never bit anyone, she was a lover. She was the perfect dog. Hands down,” he added.

Zelda on her last day at the park. (Courtesy Lee Thomas-Palmer)

On Zelda’s last day, Thomas-Palmer took her on their last trip at the dog park. Zelda enjoyed the feel of the grass, the water splashing on her legs at the lake and the sand between her paws. Though she was too weak to put her head out the car window, it looked like Zelda still enjoyed the wind on her face.

Her last stop was to the vet, where she was put down.

Zelda and her best friend, Lee Thomas-Palmer. (Courtesy Lee Thomas-Palmer)

“After the first shot, the vet says it takes about 10 minutes. She left,” he said. “All the memories, all the happy times, I had 10 minutes left TEN.”

For all the dog owners, Thomas-Palmer only has these words.

“Hug your dog tonight, take them to the park. I know you’re tired, but you are their source of happiness. They rely on you. You have the chance to spend time with them. I don’t. I would give anything to have one day of her at 100% to let her love life. Don’t wait, because you never know,” he said.

You can check the full story here: Love What Matters

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