The postal service in the United States has released a new line of postage lamps earlier this month to honor the military working dogs.

In February, US Postal Service announced that one of this year’s “forever” stamp collections will honor the “nation’s brave and loyal military working dogs.” The new stamps sport the colors of the United States flag, which are red, white and blue.

(Photo: Instagram / @dkngstudios)

“The red, white and blue color scheme represents the American flag and the patriotism displayed by military working dogs,” the postal service said in a statement.

(Photo: Instagram / @dkngstudios)

German shepherds, Dutch shepherds, Labrador retrievers, and Belgian Malinois are some of the most common breeds among military working dogs.

(Photo: Instagram / @dkngstudios)

“As a military veteran and former law enforcement officer, I have the greatest appreciation for these animals and the service they provide,” David C. Williams, vice chairman of the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, said.

(Photo: Instagram / @dkngstudios)

“[These] dogs are born and raised to serve alongside soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen and women, and members of the Coast Guard. They are heroes deserving of our respect and gratitude,” the postal service added.

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