There are countless stories of human-dog relationships out there proving just how loyal furry animals are. As the saying goes “dog is a man’s best friend,” thus show how much they go the extra mile to be with their human companions once again, no matter the time it takes to wait.

Recently, the story of a dog named Leo from Thailand went viral. According to Anuchit Uncharoen, the person who posted Leo’s story, the dog was left accidentally by his owners near a gas station four years ago, and since then, Leo never left the spot.

A lot of people tried to help Leo. After all, being a stray dog for four years left him thin and starving. Out and about on the streets also left him with a skin disease.

Saowalak, a 45-year-old woman who fed Leo as much as she could, said Leo escaped every time she tried to take him home and was found on the same spot by the side of the road.

Thanks to Anuchit Uncharoen’s post on Facebook, Leo’s family found him. They said Leo looked a lot like BonBon – the dog they lost in 2015. The family tried to look for BonBon, but failed to find him and assumed the worst might have happened.

BonBon was very happy to see his family, but when it was time to go home, he did not follow them. Instead, he decided to stay with the woman who had been feeding and caring for him in the past four years.

The family supported the dog’s decision and let him stay with Saowalak, They promised to come visit and help as much as they could in paying for any vet bills and his other needs.

Photos from: Anuchit Uncharoen

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