The coronavirus pandemic has surely disrupted our companion animals’ lifestyle at home. There may be several changes in their behavior when this is all over, including severe separation anxiety from their humans.

“Just as staying home during COVID-19 was a difficult adjustment for many people, companion animals have also experienced changes in their daily lives,” Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) told in a press release. “With people staying at home, many pets are spending more time with their families, going on more walks, and eating meals at different times.”

To help them get ready when that time comes, here are five tips to help them return to their normal routine.

1. Create a consistent daily routine.

If your pet walks three times a day before COVID-19 happened, it would be better to keep that same level when you return to work.

2. Prepare meals at the same time.

Mealtimes is the most anticipated activity of the day for most pets. If your companion’s meal times have changes since you’ve been home more, slowly start to return to the time they would be normally fed.

3. Institute nap time.

Our best buddies also need their “quiet time” throughout the day. They should have a time for rest away from you to help them adjust to their upcoming time alone.

4. Leave the house from time to time.

Go outside your house for a few minutes. (You don’t have to go far! Even just stay by the door!) This will let your furry companions understand that you can leave, and that you always come back. This will help them reduce separation anxiety.

5. Provide toys.

Self-entertaining toys, or chew toys, will encourage them for some independent activities.

“Major lifestyle adjustments are challenging for all family members, including our furry friends. The easiest way to help your pet cope with these changes is to keep their routine consistent,” says spokesman Dave Wilson. “Knowing what to expect and when gives our pets a sense of control in their environment and supports their emotional health.”

You might want to read:
– Companion animals may get extreme separation anxiety when quarantine ends, experts say
– Clingy cats: Dealing with separation anxiety in felines
– When minutes seem like days: Helping dogs with separation anxiety


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