Many people are adopting animals as companions, especially now that people are forced to practice social distancing and self-isolation to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus.

But it’s important to note that adopting a pet is no easy task. Saving Pets Changing Lives shared a short and easy quiz for you to see whether you are ready to take on the responsibility.

1.Older dog

If your family is looking for an easy-going companion, an older dog may be what you’re just looking for. Senior dogs need less exercise and are more content for a loving home who will care for them during their retirement years.

But since they are senior dogs, you must be prepared to encounter medical issues that comes with expenses.

2. Puppy

Puppies are great for homes that are ready for excitement. Puppies are sweet and cuddly, but they also need a ton of exercise and activities. If you have children at home, they should have some experience with dogs so they can tolerate some roughhousing.

3. Fish

Fishes are definitely a beautiful addition to the home. A guppy tank is a great starter for children. You can have a few cichlids after if you think you’ve got the fish scene under control.

What you need to prepare for with fishes is to have time for the tank to thrive. You must be able to spend a great amount of time catering to the tanks and its inhabitants.

4. Kittens

Kittens are highly entertaining, so those who wish to adopt them must be prepared for some playing. They need a safe, kitten-proof room to stay when you are not around.

5. Reptiles

Reptiles require specific environments as they cannot control their own body temperature. Those who wish to adopt or get one must learn first everything there is to know to properly take care of them.

Pet owners must also be prepared for reptiles’ diet, because it is something that people are not used to. Snakes, for example, love rats, mice and frogs.

6. Birds

Birds are delicate and need specific care. Those who wish to have birds must be prepared to spare a lot of time with them as they require stimulation since they are very intelligent creatures.

You might want to read:
– Pups join their dad at work after day care closes due to coronavirus
– LOOK: These abandoned animals’ lives change thanks to hoomans’ love and care
– The welfare of animals: Why is it important to care?


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