Who does not want more time with animal companions?

In a survey conducted by PetPlace, about 70 percent of people love spending more time with their companion animals. 30.9 percent of the respondents are even plan on working from home indefinitely.

About 29 percent pet owners feel confident about returning to work, while 31 percent are planning to stay home indefinitely. 27 percent are unsure how they will go back to their business, while 24 percent of those returning to work are concerned about their animal companions possibly experiencing separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety is quite common among pets who are left alone for extended periods of time. It would be extremely unusual for companion animals now when their parents start returning to work.

You can tell if your furry kids are experiencing anxiety when you see them acting a little bit aggressive, like finding your pillows torn apart, shoes eaten, or walls scratched. On the other hand, pet owners said their pets have helped ease their own anxieties especially during this time of isolation.

“Being on my own, and self isolating, my dog has been the greatest companion. I have been out each day for at least an hour’s walk despite arthritis in both knees. I doubt if I could have coped so well without her,” one pet owner said.

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