I have been an administrator of several Facebook Fish groups and the most frequently asked question is about food for aquarium and pond Fishes.

A deep desire for taking care of Fishes made me do some exploring about their food. The downside of this is the confusion it brings to a beginner who might want to keep things simple and who just wants to enjoy the time spent with the Fishes.


Here are some live food options for freshwater Fishes.

  • Feeder Fish
  • Tubifex Worms
  • Live Moina or Daphnia
  • Mosquito Larvae
  • Mealworms and Superworms


These are some types of food for freshwater Fishes that you can make at home.

All of these are nutritious to Fishes and, just like live food, they will take time to prepare. These must be stored properly.

  • Egg yolk
  • Steamed eggs
  • Chicken heart
  • Beef heart
  • Vegetables


I came up with two food categories: staple and supplemental.



These come in fine powder in floating form. These are great substitutes if live baby brine Shrimp are not available for newborn baby Fishes.

The shape of livebearer Fishes’ mouths require a special shape of food. In this case, F1 powder provides a great source of protein for robust eaters, such as Platies, Guppies, and Mollies.

Look for 35 to 40% protein content.


They are slow-sinking granule bits. Each F-number series represents the granule size. These types can benefit the widest range of Fish strains.

Look for 35 to 42% protein content.

Best for:

  • Juvenile Cichlids, Goldfish, and Angelfish
  • Livebearers and bottom dwellers
  • Combining with probiotics


This type of Fish food is my favorite. They are the best alternative for live Tubifex Worms, because they have the least chance of transmitting diseases commonly acquired from Tubifex.

F4 can be neatly placed in a dish where Fishes can nibble and eat all day. They also foul water less because they are commercially bound.

Look for 32 to 42% protein content.

Best for:

  • Bottom dweller Fishes like Bristlenose and Corydoras
  • Fishes of all sizes


These are best for bigger-sized Fishes. They are best suited for ponds, but can also be used for aquarium Fishes. The normal sizes that are available are 3 and 6 millimeters. Some hobbyists use them for livebearers as they nibble on them.

This is also best for hand feeding.

Best for Large Fishes, such as:

  • Kois
  • Monster Fishes
  • Large Cichlids
  • Adult Goldfishes


These are the most underrated commercial feeds.

They are a balanced meal for most tropical Fishes. They might have lower protein content compared to the granule and pellet type but are a great support food. They come in floating form but sink eventually.

Best for:

  • Kois
  • Goldfish
  • Livebearers
  • Danios, Tetras, and Barbs
  • Dried BSF



These are relatively new in the market and are popular in other countries. They are high in protein and calcium.

I personally use them daily for my Guppies, Goldfishes, and Angelfishes, and they love it. I like the odor when I crush them to create powder. I’m hoping that the powder form will be available.


I love the smell and the benefits this provides to our beloved Fishes. Wheatgerm especially helps in digestion, which greatly helps Goldfishes in preventing swim bladder disease.

Angelfishes and livebearers also greatly benefit from it.


They are marketed as alternatives to live Tubifex. However, personally, I don’t see them having the same benefits.

Guppies can nibble on them, but they preferably devour dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae. The dried form makes a nice treat but is not a staple.


Thanks to Filipino ingenuity, this dried type is great as an alternative to live food for monster Fishes. Arowanas, Bass, Hooks, and other large Cichlids love them.

Mealworms cut into two super worms are an added food variety for Goldfishes, too.


These are natural algae supplements that are packed with so many benefits. The tablet form is made for human consumption. Aside from the nutritional content, they are used for color enhancement.

Best for:

  • Guppies and other livebearers
  • Small-sized Goldfishes
  • Bristlenose and other bottom- dweller Fishes

Other foods available that I personally tried for my Fishes are frozen Bloodworms, canned Cyclops, and Krill. I seldom use them because they’re expensive. If you can afford them, your Fishes will enjoy them.

People like to see their Fishes enjoying their meal. To sustain that enjoyment, feeding should be made simple and affordable with easy maintenance.

For questions, please email [email protected].

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV


Manuel Yap is a contributor for Manila Bulletin's Animal Scene magazine.

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