There are many fur parents around the world who feed their Dogs a plant-based diet like I do. I had the opportunity to talk to some of them about their experience feeding their Dog companions a plant-based diet.


Q. How old are your Dogs?

A. Kimi is 10 years old now, while Gobi is 5.

Q. What made you decide to switch them to a plant-based diet?
A. Lucky for me, switching two years ago was easy because Gobi and Kimi love eating gulay, especially root crops.

I’ve been learning more and more about the animal agriculture industry and how we’ve been conditioned that it’s an “absolute necessity” since I went vegan four years ago. Treating my Aspin companions with love and respect while having them consume beings who had undergone horrific treatment didn’t sit right with me anymore.

Plus, from a health perspective, byproducts that are mixed into commercial Dog food can come from animals who may have been ill or [have] even perished before they were due for slaughter. Products derived from them certainly wouldn’t be ideal “food” if we value our animal companions’ health and longevity.

So, when I found out that it was possible to make balanced meals with enough fat, protein, omegas, and other nutrients for my Dogs with just plants, seeds, and veggie kibble, it stopped making sense to do otherwise.

Q. How do you make sure that they are healthy?

A. Apart from vet visits, it helps that our municipal welfare office does low-cost shots and check-ups, so healthcare at the local level has become much more accessible. Play and cuddle time are also a must.

Following experts and reading studies on Dog nutrition has also changed what I understand as necessary and possible in terms of keeping them well fed.

Supplements are part of my Aspin companions’ diet, too. Their regular meals are topped with ground flax, turmeric (with a bit of black pepper), and malunggay powder. To make sure their taurine levels are good, I also occasionally mix in a liquid multivitamin with taurine for their heart health.

Q. What are their favorite types of food?

A. Kalabasa, kamote, saba, tokwa, buko, peanut butter, chickpeas, and kanin! I make bread quite often, and they love pandesal and pita, too. Monay from the panaderia also gets their tails wagging.

Q. Do you have tips for humans who plan to give their animal companions plant-based food?
A. Take it easy with the fiber for the first few weeks. Mix in the plant-based alternative with their regular food in small increments before switching over completely.

They might get gassy during the transition, but their stomachs will gradually get used to the increased fiber intake. It took about six weeks for us to get settled.

Follow advice from the experts to make sure whatever approach you take is evidence-based. Join plant-based Dog nutrition groups for tips, vet-approved recipe ideas, the latest science… and poop talk (when you’re figuring out if their poop is ok).

Great thing is there’s plenty of findings that have come out in the past few years about the link between canine health and plant-based food. There’s an article that references a peer-reviewed study published in 2022 that compares conventional, raw meat, and plant-based diets for Dogs. This was led by Prof. Andrew Knight, from the University of Winchester, who concluded that “the healthiest and least hazardous dietary choices for Dogs are nutritionally sound vegan diets.”

You can read the full article HERE.

Also, keep in mind that Dogs are individuals with quirks and preferences. The transition will be made so much easier when it’s clear to us what they enjoy eating.


TJ adopted his Dog, Nutmeg, as a newborn in 2015. Nutmeg had been eating plant- based since then.

When asked about why he fed Nutmeg a plant-based diet, TJ said that he wanted Nutmeg to live a long life.

“I give her superfoods like spirulina, chlorella, and virgin coconut oil and then [take her to the vet for] regular check-ups,” TJ said.

Nutmeg is a senior Dog at nine years old, and it looks like she does have a long life ahead of her — which means she gets to eat more of her favorite food: tofu!


Raya was already two years old when I saw her at a shelter in May. When I took her in, I gave her the usual commercial kibble and introduced her to wet food.

Although she likes her food enough — get ready for incoming TMI — her poop told a different story. It was hard and dry, and she was having trouble defecating.

I decided a month ago to transition her to a purely plant-based diet, because I knew it was the best thing to do for her. She now eats plant-based kibble and home-cooked meals.

And just like any other Dog, she gets extremely excited during mealtime. I can see that she loves her new diet. She is rambunctious and full of energy. And her poop is perfect.


A also shared other resources that fur parents can check out.



PLANT-POWERED DOG by Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, MS Facebook page

Part 1 | Part 3