Justice was served as Jung Seongho, the Korean responsible for killing an Aspin named Erika, was fined Php 100 thousand and sentenced to two years in prison. 

In 2024, Seongho stabbed Erika four times with a kitchen knife. Erika was a community Dog being cared for by a restaurant in Malate, Manila. 

Seongho was convicted of animal cruelty in violation of the Animal Welfare Act of the Philippines (Republic Act 8485, as amended by RA 10631). 

The trial

The Metropolitan Trial Court (Branch 3) in Manila, gave the verdict after months of legal pursuit, with the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) serving as one of the witnesses.

According to PAWS, the evidence and eyewitness accounts showed that Seongho charged toward Erika, who was not showing any “antagonistic behavior” while she sat quietly in the restaurant’s outdoor area. Seongho stabbed her “several times, causing the [D]og’s eventual death.”

Seongho also faced additional charges of Alarm and Scandal, Assault, and Malicious Mischief. 

Presiding Judge Hon. Peter Steve G. Lim said that the prosecution proved Seongho’s guilt beyond reasonable doubt.