Dogs – they just love to dig in the garden or yard! It leaves them both dirty and the place all messed up, but sometimes, a dog’s dig is worth all the trouble.

Like the eight-month old Labrador in Washington, who found something surprising in their backyard.

(Photo Source: YouTube/Dogs Rescued)

“I noticed he was carrying something around his mouth,” Kirk Lacewell, the human companion Scout the Labrador, has told KOMO News.

Scout loved his new toy and carried it all throughout the day, wherever he goes. Just like anything else the dog finds, Lacewell said he did not think much about it, because it just looked like a piece of stone.

“On the second day, it made me think this is odd, I wonder what’s going on with this,” Lacewell said. “I wonder what’s so special about that rock?”

Lacewell’s curiosity drove him to the University of Washington’s Burke Museum and asked the help of the paleontologists to determine the rock. Apparently, it was not just a special rock, it was a wooly mammoth’s tooth from the earth’s last glacial period.

(Photo Source: YouTube/Dogs Rescued)

“I can’t remember a time when a dog helped uncover a fossil,” Andrea Godinez, marketing director at the Burke Museum, has told KOMO News.

Though it was a great discovery, Scout’s mammoth teeth was not placed in the new exhibit at the museum, because they already have lots of those at the moment.

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