A friend of mine messaged me via Viber telling me he had a few batches of Albino Bristlenose juveniles. I acquired 12 to support my friend, even though I had no idea how to take care of them. I only knew that my regular Black Bristlenoses were algae eaters.

When the Albino Bristlenoses arrived, I was surprised by how small they were. They were about three-fourths of an inch. I placed them in a small tank to allow them to settle down. However, after a week, they started dying one by one. When my research was done, I was left with four Bristlenoses, all of whom had adapted and started growing.

I then focused on taking care of aquarium plants. The Bristlenoses and the plants suited each other. The former would clean the algae in plants without consuming the plants. They seemed not to bother Cherry Shrimps, too.


Here are a few compatible companions for the Albino Bristlenose.


One morning, I was surprised to see Albino Bristlenose eggs. I knew what they were because of my previous research. Their reproduction triggered my curiosity.


Contrary to what is found on the internet, not all the males take care of the eggs.


Some females had babies who reverted back to regular dark grey pleco colors.


They grew slowly as babies, but as soon as they reached a length of two inches, they grew faster.


There was a surprisingly large number of eggs that hatched; the most number of babies I saw was more than 50.

From four Albino Bristlenose Plecos, there are now 40 adults, 60 juveniles, and about a hundred babies!


I used semi-sinking granules and sinking pellets as an alternative to their staple food. In the evening, I would slice cucumbers and place a sinker so that the slices would settle at the bottom. I would also alternate them with fully blanched French beans. I would then dispose of both the cucumber and bean skins left in the tank because the Fishes don’t eat those.

I found out that probiotics mixed with pellets and granules made the Plecos healthier. Spirulina tablets are also nice supplements.

Plecos are omnivores, which means their diet is made mainly of vegetables. My tanks and ponds have a great amount of algae. I then placed a small driftwood to provide fiber for the Plecos.


After getting to know the Albino Bristlenose, I wondered if I could transfer them to my place at the office where there were multiple Goldfish tanks and ponds. Common Plecos tend to suck the slime and injure the Goldfish, but the Albino Bristlenose Plecos don’t bother the Goldfishes at home. They are also effective algae cleaners.

What I like about the Albino Bristlenose Pleco is their calm behavior, plus they are silent algae workers. They adapt well with so many strains of Fishes and make a nice addition as bottom tank dwellers.

“A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 ESV


Manuel Yap is a contributor for Manila Bulletin's Animal Scene magazine.

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