There is an added stress and anxiety among students who were forced to take their classes through Zoom and other online platforms at home brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. Like most people, students are looking for any form of companionship during these trying times, and they may find it in animals.

Jonathan Nelson for said he has two dogs and two cats, who definitely complete their family. He said in his article that he understands the many ways his animal companions help his family during stressful times, and so does the students in Austin Peay State University, whom he interviewed.

“She will take her cold, wet nose and make me pet her until I’m calm,” Jennifer Lindahl, a freshman who talked about her chocolate Lab named Stout. “She helps me with school by sitting with me and making me pet her if my assignment stresses me out.”

It’s understandable that dogs are very much the most sociable animals, but it does not mean they are the only animals who can help their hoomans de-stress.

“Rosie, my sweet girl, brings me toys and gives me kisses,” said Sophomore student Amber Vandermark, sharing her experience with her three lovable cats.

Animals are known to have many benefits among students even before the pandemic started. Many teachers have brought animals in the classroom to help their students cope, learn, and have fun!

Having an animal and caring for them instills a sense of responsibility and respect for life. Animal companions can also bring increased sensitivity and awareness of the feelings and needs of others – both animals and humans.

A study showed that students turn to their companion animals for emotional well-being, with 40 percent of children choosing animal companionship when they were feeling down. They also seek their pets when feeling tired, upset, scared or lonely, while 53 percents of the respondents said they enjoy doing school works with their pets nearby.

“Being around animals is extremely good for children,” said Dr. Harvey Markovitch, pediatrician and editor of The Archives of Disease in Childhood. “They’re good for morale, and teach children about relationships and about the needs of another living being – learning to care for a pet helps them to learn how to care for people.”

You might want to read:
– Animal companions linked to better mental health during lockdown, new research shows
– This is how emotional support animals help improve human’s mental health
– A dog and cat magic: Ways animals improve your mental health


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