Quite recently, Bichirs have become a popular fish among Filipino fishkeepers. Bichirs are elongated fishes belonging to the genera Polypterus…
Catfishes from the Doradidae family are known as the Thorny Catfishes, owing to the bony lumps that form thorny scutes…
Of course, the answer to this question is simply, NONE. As with all living things, grade school science has taught…
Having picked up the fishkeeping hobby at a very early age, I have seen the hobby develop through the years—from…
For the purpose of this article, discussions will be limited to species that are regularly found in the Philippine market…
What’s In a Name? When fishkeepers refer to Bichirs, they refer to a group of primitive and exotic fish that…
Viewing Facebook one day, I found myself reading a thread posted by a friend, Prime Jamethzkie, at the Monster Fish…
About a decade ago, a good friend invited me over to his place to check out his fish collection. Being…
Ask average fishkeepers what they know about anaerobic spots, and chances are, they will say “What?” and won’t have the…
Keeping monster fishes is quite popular in the country these days. Fishkeepers are fascinated with keeping fish that grow to…