A RAY OF SUNSHINE The pink Reef Manta Ray was first spotted in the southern Great Barrier Reef by dive…
THE CULT OF THE CAT HATER Every animal companion has its fans and detractors, but few animals are as divisive…
The Bichon Frisé is a small Dog with a huge personality. With their fluffy, hypoallergenic white coat and black eyes,…
Whenever we hear the phrase “the [B]irds and the [B]ees,” we usually think of the awkward talk parents give their…
All Cat parents know how much their little fur babies love cardboard boxes. Refrigerator boxes, TV boxes, boxes for groceries — any cardboard box is a potential toy for any resourceful Cat.
A team of researchers has successfully reared an adult Mouse from
a single unfertilized egg, a scientific first, as reported by Margaret Osborne in a 2022 article for Smithsonian Magazine. The lab Rodent, who possessed only the mother’s genes, matured to adulthood and reproduced successfully, a feat which was previously thought to be impossible in Mammals, according to Alex Wilkins’ 2022 article for New Scientist.
The Elephants of Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park have adapted to the pressures of poaching in a way that has baffled geneticists and other scientists: A third of their younger females born after 1992 never developed tusks.
Snakes are beautiful, fascinating, yet often misunderstood animals who fill an important place in the web of life. Native Americans revered the Snake as a keen-eyed creature who possessed visionary powers. In Chinese mythology, Snakes are also held in high regard, unlike in Western cultures where they are treated as villains.
Animal Scene is back once again with another dazzling array of serpent stars, with Jepoy of Lucky 6 Reptile Farm sharing with us his prized new Ball Python mutations. “Some of them we’ve produced for the first time this year,” says Jepoy, “while most of them are holdbacks.”
Animal Scene’s friendly neighborhood herpetologist Pitlair is back once again with a dazzling dozen of his reptilian friends. This month, Pitlair shares with us twelve specimens with one thing in common — yellow coloring that they all share.