The next spectacular ball python morph Animal Scene has for its faithful herpetologist readers is the striking Cinnamon pin or…
The rare Burmese star tortoise is one of the world’s most beautiful tortoises, with radiating star-shaped bumps on its domed…
Here comes Vaejovis spinigerus, also known as the Arizona Striped tail scorpion or the striped devil scorpion. Vaejovis spinigerus, or…
We continue our parade of patterned pythons here in Animal Scene with the unmistakable Banana Pinstripe ball python. This vividly…
BALLER BANDS From out of the dazzling array of ball python morphs comes the Toffino, a beautiful genetic cross between…
Do you long for the old-style wedding shoots of yesterday, when the “marrying season” was June instead of during the cold…
Betta splendens, otherwise known as the Siamese fighting fish, is a brightly colored aquarium fish that is growing in popularity…
HERE COMES TROUBLE A tiny scorpion that packs a heavy duty punch, the Indian Red Scorpion has arrived! Also known…
The Tanzanian Red Clawed Scorpion Out of the humid rainforests of Tanzania, Africa, comes the Red Clawed Scorpion, or Pandinus…
Love Potion No. 9 Like a rare treasure, the Mystic Potion Ball Python is a dream morph for breeders.…