Is your Cat buddy beside you as you are reading this? Call their name and try to see the look…
One of our eight-legged friends has been spending time in the limelight lately. People from Georgia, US can’t help but…
Long ago, when humanity had just taken to the seas to voyage the world in the name of discovery and conquest, there was a dreaded disease that nearly took the lives of half of a ship’s crew. This maritime nightmare came to be known as scurvy.
A creature found dead in Panda, Antique made headlines in February 2022. The animal was identified as a Visayan Leopard Cat.
Bats — Paniki in Filipino — are extraordinary mammals who have modified forelimbs that have evolved into wings. Belonging to the order Chiroptera, a term that stems from the Greek words chiro and ptera literally translating to “hand wings,” they are the only order of mammals capable of flight (Wund and Myers, 2005).
Himalayan Rabbits have become well-loved animal companions through the years. Aside from their adapting well to our country’s tropical climate, which makes them relatively easy to breed and raise, Himalayan Rabbits possess unique markings and a body type like no other Lagomorph.
A trip to the pet supply shop to grab a bag of kibbles for our companion animals is not always…
“Oreo didn’t eat his dinner last night.” That kind of statement is something I would sometimes hear, and I’ve already lost track of how many had come to the clinic with a similar complaint.
Not too long ago, the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (ARBA) gave acknowledgment to a Filipino: Jaime “Jimi” Lim of Sugar N’ Spice Rabbitry and Caviary has successfully raised all 49 rabbit breeds recognized by the association.
You have probably heard about the many general benefits of elective neutering.