During a trip over a beach at Longufjorur earlier this month, helicopter pilot David Schwarzhans found what looked to be…
On Monday, police arrested a driver and his wife after suspecting that they were illegally trafficking animals from Laos. When…
At least a dozen short-finned pilot whales have repeatedly beached themselves on St. Simons Island along the Georgia barrier on…
BOSTON (AP) — A Massachusetts citizen’s group is calling for eliminating federal protections for seals as Cape Cod officials seek…
A recent infestation of the poisonous crown-of-thorn starfish (COTS) in Culasi, Antique has pushed the city officials to declare state…
Nakhodka, Russia (AFP) – Three orcas were loaded onto trucks at a controversial facility in Russia’s Far East on Thursday…
A giant manta ray with several fishing hooks was found by divers off Australia’s west coast. Jake Wilton, an underwater…
Conservationists are warning that the sea’s top predators are now at risk of disappearing from the Mediterranean, due to overfishing…
Paris, France (AFP) – Popularised by Disney’s ‘Finding Nemo’, the common clownfish may not see its eggs hatch if they…
A sperm whale was found lifeless on the shore of Hadji Mohammad Ajul town in Basilan on Thrusday, July 11.…