Commercial whaling has returned in Japan and whalers brought their first catches ashore Monday, despite criticisms from activists who claim…
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A murky pond in the middle of Anchorage has some unwanted guests. Cuddy Pond, near the…
More than 100 whales that were captured and held in cramped pens in the far eastern Russia to perform in…
Reykjavik (AFP) – Two beluga whales from a Shanghai aquarium arrived in Iceland on Wednesday to live out their days…
There has been several reports of animal deaths due to plastic consumption, however, a new animal has been found dead…
Researchers in France have found a small tropical fish that has a big heart that suffers when separated from its…
Marine experts and veterinarians are taking care of a baby dugong, who has been separated from its mother and got…
Pilot whales are found in several parts of the world’s oceans, some in the Indian, Pacific, or even the North…
A video of two fishermen recently went viral on Facebook for their acts of brutality on a defenseless shark. The…
The ocean is a wonderful place filled with so many wonders and mysteries. Deep within, an array of sea unique…