Passersby can’t seem to help but stare up at the swings hanging in the pocket garden on the second level…
Iused to work as a park ranger in Mindoro, where tamaraws roam,” Bernard Abarquez, 45 years old, says. He is…
A short primer on scams in the dog trade, and how to avoid them. Johnny Filart of the Philippine Canine…
Animal Scene’s experts share their advice for avoiding scam artists. Some time ago, our managing editor Jeff received a call—at…
Ernest Hemingway. Virginia Woolf. Stephen King. They’re all literary greats—and they’re also animal lovers. Many photos show them in a…
Some things to think about before gifting someone with a pet. Tis nearly Christmas (we are now in the months…
If Merlin vomits again, you will have to bring him in for surgery.” When I read the text message from…
Aimed at returning joy to the animals that have delighted generations of Filipinos at the zoo, Animal Scene joined the…
A friend once asked me, “Why do you call yourself the ‘human’ of your cat? Why not just call yourself…
I have a proud black cat whom I absolutely adore. Whenever I come home, he pulls back the curtains to…