The ongoing Russian attack on Ukraine has citizens fleeing the country, and with them, their companion animals. Responding to this urgent matter, many European nations have opened their borders.
Bats — Paniki in Filipino — are extraordinary mammals who have modified forelimbs that have evolved into wings. Belonging to the order Chiroptera, a term that stems from the Greek words chiro and ptera literally translating to “hand wings,” they are the only order of mammals capable of flight (Wund and Myers, 2005).
A little-known fact by the public is that most animal companions become community animals. Maybe it’s because some families can’t take care of them anymore or, worse, they get tired of them once the animals grow up. In the end, the animals become unhomed .
The Elephants of Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park have adapted to the pressures of poaching in a way that has baffled geneticists and other scientists: A third of their younger females born after 1992 never developed tusks.
First, there was SARS. Then, MERS-COV. Now, it’s COVID-19. What do these diseases have in common? They are zoonotic diseases. The viruses that cause them come from animals before they are eventually transmitted to humans. They also tend to stop the world in its tracks, especially the latest one known as COVID-19.
When Typhoon Odette made landfall in the Philippines in December 2021, it claimed over 400 human lives, according to a 2022 Rappler article by Jairo Bolledo. Its effect on the country’s nonhuman animal population wasn’t immediately seen, except in the disappearance of over a hundred Tarsiers from the Bohol Tarsier Conservation Area.
Anyone can help out with conservation! We’re right in the middle of migratory season in the Philippines, so now’s your chance to help protect
the tens of thousands of migratory Birds that pass through and hang out here during the winter season.
Dealing with the new normal means not leaving one’s home unless absolutely necessary. It also means not being able to freely visit the animal shelters and sanctuaries we usually would pre-pandemic.
The sun is out, the sky is blue. There’s a family having a picnic. The children run around while the parents drink lemonade. All of a sudden, one of the kids fall down to the grass.
I once wrote a story of my visit to El Nido on March 2021 and my encounter with the lovable Rockskipper and its neighbor, the Lined Shore Crab. Having enjoyed our time there, we planned an encore El Nido trip a month later.