The Baguio City Council has suspended the provision on mandating all pet owners in the city to have their dogs…
A man named Theron visited a Maine animal shelter over the weekend to adopt a cat in an effort to…
Most of us seem to forget that animals are thinking, feeling beings. Sometimes, we even take their existence for granted.…
A red and white tabby has been seen hanging around the main entrance of Epworth Hospital in Richmond, Melbourne, Australia…
There is something satisfying and fulfilling about collecting something, whether it’s stamps, comic books, trading cards, or even mugs! This…
Among the classic mythical animals, one that remains powerful in pop culture is the Unicorn. It is one of the…
Germany’s agricultural minister Julia Klöckner is proposing a new legislation ordering humans to walk their dogs at least twice a…
Duke University dog researchers Brian Hart and Vanessa Wood discovered a stunning, yet disgusting, understanding of canine’s evolution – and…
For most human parents, adoption is often viewed as a last resort when all other means of conception fails. For…
North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un has ordered a ban on pet ownership, as he believes it represents a “tainted…