Ever since my childhood, our house always had many canine companions. They were seen as both family members and as…
All Cat parents know how much their little fur babies love cardboard boxes. Refrigerator boxes, TV boxes, boxes for groceries — any cardboard box is a potential toy for any resourceful Cat.
A team of researchers has successfully reared an adult Mouse from
a single unfertilized egg, a scientific first, as reported by Margaret Osborne in a 2022 article for Smithsonian Magazine. The lab Rodent, who possessed only the mother’s genes, matured to adulthood and reproduced successfully, a feat which was previously thought to be impossible in Mammals, according to Alex Wilkins’ 2022 article for New Scientist.
A creature found dead in Panda, Antique made headlines in February 2022. The animal was identified as a Visayan Leopard Cat.
Bats — Paniki in Filipino — are extraordinary mammals who have modified forelimbs that have evolved into wings. Belonging to the order Chiroptera, a term that stems from the Greek words chiro and ptera literally translating to “hand wings,” they are the only order of mammals capable of flight (Wund and Myers, 2005).
The creation of Bullmastiffs can be traced back to 19th-century gamekeepers, people meant to breed and care for game animals. According to the American Kennel Club, poachers were hunting animals on English aristocrats’ land despite death penalties in place to prevent it.
Where do you usually go when you plan on getting an animal companion? The best place to find your new furry friends would be at an animal shelter!
Himalayan Rabbits have become well-loved animal companions through the years. Aside from their adapting well to our country’s tropical climate, which makes them relatively easy to breed and raise, Himalayan Rabbits possess unique markings and a body type like no other Lagomorph.
The Elephants of Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park have adapted to the pressures of poaching in a way that has baffled geneticists and other scientists: A third of their younger females born after 1992 never developed tusks.
It was the first week of December when my five- year-old Cat named Fighter suddenly felt weak and won’t eat. Once at the vet and as soon as the blood test results came, I was immediately thrown into pure despair and heartbreak. Fighter was showing signs of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and needed blood transfusion. I found myself crying and fearing the worst. Would he survive?