


There is a newly discovered Chameleon species by a German- Madagascan expedition team: the Nano Chameleon (Brookesia nana) found in northern Madagascar. This species is currently the smallest reptile to be discovered, and only a male and female pair were discovered thus far.

Snakes are beautiful, fascinating, yet often misunderstood animals who fill an important place in the web of life. Native Americans revered the Snake as a keen-eyed creature who possessed visionary powers. In Chinese mythology, Snakes are also held in high regard, unlike in Western cultures where they are treated as villains.

Animal Scene is back once again with another dazzling array of serpent stars, with Jepoy of Lucky 6 Reptile Farm sharing with us his prized new Ball Python mutations. “Some of them we’ve produced for the first time this year,” says Jepoy, “while most of them are holdbacks.”

Animal Scene’s friendly neighborhood herpetologist Pitlair is back once again with a dazzling dozen of his reptilian friends. This month, Pitlair shares with us twelve specimens with one thing in common — yellow coloring that they all share.