Common Species 1. Potamotrygon motoro Common names: Ocellated River Stingray, Spotted River Ray Motoro rays are one of the most…
Whenever there’s an exhibit or a home setup aquarium, freshwater (FW) stingrays are always the center of attraction, and I’m…
The Caquetaia myersi was first described by American ichthyologist Leonard Peter Schultz in 1944 and placed under the genus Caquetaia,…
Forget piranhas; the wolf fish has acquired the monikers “Piranha Killer” and “Piranha Destroyer” among fishkeeping circles because of its…
When my supplier told me he had some platinum snakeheads, I immediately went to his facilities to check them out.…
In 1993, business took me to Hong Kong and my good friend, Egbert Chan, introduced me to Tung Choi Street.…
Last weekend, I was taking a stroll when I chanced upon a fish store. Naturally as a certified fish nut,…
The Banded Leporinus (Leporinus fasciatus) is about the only species of Leporinus a Filipino fishkeeper will most likely be familiar…
There’s a ‘gentle giant’ on the 100-peso bill, although you may not have noticed it. Billed as the biggest fish…
What does it take to make a racing pigeon a winner? What makes a racing pigeon a champion? Ask racing…