A monster fish swims into popular culture and imagination Arowanas are a rather bony freshwater fish that are from…
Aquarium fishes are very popular in pet keeping. Top and mid dwellers are extremely popular for beginner, intermediate, and advanced…
Betta splendens, otherwise known as the Siamese fighting fish, is a brightly colored aquarium fish that is growing in popularity…
Aquarium fish are grouped in various categories. Most popular, I would say, are the livebearers. Of these, guppies, swordtails, mollies,…
I started my tropical fishkeeping with black mollies and angelfish. From there, every time I visited a local pet shop,…
Boulengerella cuvieri: Not a Gar but a Pike Characin I have a fish at my place that fishkeepers almost…
When buying a new fish, it is always a concern for fishkeepers if the fish they are buying is compatible…
Fancy, Peculiar, Beautiful! The Telescopic goldfish is a fancy variety which derives its name from its large and protruding…
The Iron Head catfish (Trachycorystes trachycorystes) The Iron Head catfish goes by the scientific name Trachycorystes trachycorystes. It’s real…
It’s the Danio, Barb and Tetra! Surfing the internet and visiting pet shops are two ways I relax. Over…