PHOTOS BY VINCENT LAO VISITING SEA DWELLERS I actually promised myself not to write anything about sea creatures this time,…
PHOTOS BY VINCENT LAO What scared our manongs to their wits’ end (and it was even scarier for us kids)…
PHOTOS BY VINCENT LAO GIANTS AND CLICKS I am glad that a number of Cicadas include our bedroom in their…
PHOTOS BY VINCENT LAO I have been contributing to Animal Scene since 2015 and if it is not obvious yet,…
One of our eight-legged friends has been spending time in the limelight lately. People from Georgia, US can’t help but…
Something sinister is growing inside this Snail’s body. These swollen eye stalks are an extension of a parasite called Leucochloridium…
As a child, I spent countless hours watching nature’s dramas unfold among the flowering shrubs and trees in our village’s gardens.
A couple of times a year, the rambutan tree in our front yard needs to get its branches trimmed so that they don’t touch electrical wires or shed leaves on our roof.
The fact that animals have senses that have a different range from our own should come as no surprise. Indeed, calling them super senses only makes sense from the viewpoint of them requiring radically different ways of perceiving their environments.
Are your spidey senses tingling? Chances are, there’s a spider in your home right now. Now, don’t be scared! Spiders are creatures that have an unnecessarily bad reputation.