Aoshima Island, famously known by tourists as Cat Island, is facing an inevitable crisis: its dwindling feline population.

A post at X by user @aoshima_cat explained the situation: “The number of [C]ats is gradually decreasing. The [C]ats are aging.”

Aoshima Island was once home to a handful of people and hundreds of Cats. Now, there are only three elderly people left to keep the aging Cats company.

An elder affectionately nicknamed “Cat Mama ” takes care of the felines on the island. She provides food and cleans up after them.

Controlling the Cat population

In 2018, the Aoshima Cat Protection Society conducted a spay-and-neuter program on the island to address the increasing Cat population, because most of the island’s residents are elderly. As a result, no new kittens have been born on the island since.

Not a promising future

In recent years, there has been a decrease in tourists visiting the island. If ever Cat Mama grows old and leaves, it may spell the end for Cat Island. Ferry services to and from Aoshima Island may be reduced or cancelled altogether.

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