Our animal companions are considered part of the family, so when they suddenly go missing, it is without a doubt the start of chaos, panic, and heartache.

One dog owner had already given up hope he would ever find his best friend Buster, a Labrador who disappeared from his mother’s garden back in 2010.

39-year old Rob Smith tried everything to find him. He wrote Facebook posts appealing to anybody who might have seen his buddy. Then one day, he got a call he never expected to receive.

A dad-of-two has thanked his missing dog poster for his perfect family after meeting his fianc through the appeal – and now theyve miraculously found the pup NINE YEARS later. Rob Smith, 39, from Llanelli, South Wales, lost his black Labrador, Buster, nine years ago after he went missing from his mums garden in 2010. (PHOTO BY CATER NEWS)

“As the months and years passed I did give up on ever finding Buster,” Smith said.

A Good Samaritan found Buster roaming the streets, so he handed him to the local veterinary clinic. The clinic immediately scanned the dog and got Smith’s number. Once Smith received the call, he went to the clinic as fast as he could and reunited with his best friend.

“I received the shock of my life when a vet about 10 miles away rang me while I was at work last weekend,” Smith said. “I raced around to the vet’s after work and I just burst into tears. It was very emotional seeing him again.”

Smith said Buster was just a few months old when he got lost. At the time Buster was lost, Smith said one of the well-wishers who offered him help came out to be his future wife, Samantha. They are now engaged and have two wonderful daughters.

Buster is introduced to the family. (Photo by Michael Scott/Caters News)

“Losing Buster was horrific but the heartbreak was eased when I met Sam online. Little did I know that we’d end up spending the next nine years together and we’d have our two daughters together,” Smith said.

Smith brought Buster home immediately to meet his family along with their new dog, Bruno.

“It’s so surreal seeing them both together as I, of course, never thought they would meet. Having Buster back is really amazing – I can’t believe I got my best friend back after all this time,” he added.

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