Nottinghamshire County Council has officially banned trail hunting on its land last March 29.

Trophy hunters dubbed their illegal hunting as “trail hunting” in a way to deceive administration officers and authorities that it is a genuine sport and make their prosecution difficult.

The Labour Party in Nottinghamshire put forward the motion, which was supported by a number of independents. This calls for the end of trail hunting and all hunting related activities.

“Trail hunting is merely a dubious attempt to hide the true intentions of those that wish to continue this vile barbaric act of fox hunting,” Kevin Greaves, Labour councilor, told local media.

“This is a significant decision both for the county of Nottinghamshire and the country as a whole. We welcome a ban that not only recognizes that animals are still being killed by hunts, but that the excuse of ‘trail’ hunting is nothing more than a lie,” Chris Luffingham, director of campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, an animal charity aimed at banning illegal huntings in the United Kingdom, said in a statement.

The League Against Cruel Sports is now asking for other councils across the country to do the same and follow Nottinghamshire’s lead.

“The League has received 282 reports of illegal hunting in the current hunting season, including 39 reported fox kills. We welcome Nottinghamshire County Council’s trail-blazing decision, and we would encourage other counties across the land to follow suit,” Luffingham added in their statement.


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