Although the coronavirus pandemic continues to endanger the lives of humans, it would not stop establishments from opening again and people returning to their jobs. And once they do, animal companions might experience separation anxiety.

Dogs and cats may experience separation anxiety when there is a sudden change in their routine. Your animal companion can be whimpering when you head out the door. They might also be excessively pacing, barking, howling, whimpering, or self-grooming when you prepare to leave the house. In some cases, they also urinate in places where your scents linger. And of course, extreme clinginess is another symptom.

A clinical veterinarian said separation anxiety is not easy to get rid of, but there are ways to manage it.

So what should you do?

First thing pet owners need to understand – punishment is never the solution. This might only increase your pet’s anxiety and stress. Also, it’s not also right to give them praise and too much affection when they are suffering from anxiety.

Pet owners must bring their animal companions to the veterinarian to rule out any physical conditions. Next, make sure they get plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. They would not feel stressed when their endorphin levels are elevated.

Next, you must make sure they do not make a big fuss with your absence. Treat your actions like a routine, and so your animal companion will do the same.

For example your dog or cat whines when you pick up your bag before leaving, you can try picking it up and putting it back down several times over a few hours. You can also try dressing up or putting shoes earlier than expected instead of leaving right away.

Next, practice short absences. Spend some time in another room or run for a while. Increase your time gone until it becomes your daily routine.

You might want to read:
– How to ease your companion animal during quarantine and deal with their separation anxiety
– Companion animals may get extreme separation anxiety when quarantine ends, experts say
– Clingy cats: Dealing with separation anxiety in felines


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