Some humans may say cats are not as loyal and affectionate as dogs, but in reality, cats care a lot about their hoomans more than what they show. Nana, a six-year-old ginger tabby from Kelantan, Malaysia proves just that.

Nana is known as Malaysia’s version of Hachiko who remains loyal to his owner even years after his death.

Hazylynn Nozi shared Nana’s story to a local Malaysian cat lovers group on Facebook, saying Nana originally belonged to her father who was a retired teacher.

“Nana always followed dad to the mosque and waited for him to finish his prayers before he followed him back home,” Hazlynn told Malay Mail in an interview. “There was a bond that this particular cat had with dad as compared to the other cats at home.”

Two years ago, Hazlynn’s father died and Nana was devastated, and lost his appetite and some weight in the process of grieving the death of his best friend.

“But he would also linger around where dad spent his time – like on the swing which was dad’s favorite spot or even sit on his old car,” she added.

Hazlynn’s father was laid to rest near the family’s residence, and since then, Nana has been the first to visit his hooman’s grave. For the past two years, Hazlynn said the tabby always visit the grave every morning.

“Can you imagine, [Nana] was already sitting there waiting for us when we arrived. He reached the graveyard earlier than your children, father. Please forgive us, father,” she captioned in the photo.

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