Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things someone could experience, even if it’s about losing an animal companion. For an accountant from Colorado, he lost one of his best friends and did not know how exactly to handle his grief.

Steve Greig has a heart for dogs, so when one of his companions died, it broke a part of him.


“I was just so distraught about (that death),” Greig told The Dodo in an interview. “A month of two went by, and I still felt so horrible about it. I decided that the only way I would feel better was if something good happened. That probably wouldn’t have happened if he had not died.”

Greig decided to visit an animal shelter and ask for dogs that nobody wanted.

“So (I adopted) a 12-year-old Chihuahua (named Eeyore) with a heart murmur and four bad knees, and I brought him home, and that was just the beginning of all the animals,” he said.


After going to shelters, Greig now has adopted eight senior dogs that no one wanted. He said he enjoys his normal morning routine of waking up at five in the morning and making breakfast for all his ten dogs, who happens to have different diets.


“I grew up with a lot of pets,” he said. “Both my parents were animal lovers and they pretty much always let me have whatever I wanted as long as I could take care of it.”


Aside from a pack of dogs, Greig also takes care of a pig named Bikini (who also thinks she’s a dog!), cats, chickens, ducks, pigeons, rabbits, and a whole pond full of fish!

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