As the ice melts and the Amazon burns, let us, humans, do what we can to help in fighting off climate crisis and correct all our wrongdoings.

This National Wildlife Day, created by animal behaviorist Colleen Paign in 2005 to raise awareness on the plight of endangered animals around the world, let us meet and take a look at some of the endangered wildlife and learn what we can do to help in its conservation.


A porpoise found in the northern part of the Gulf of California, vaquitas are considered to be on the brink of extinction by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as they are currently the most endangered marine mammal in the world as of the July 2019 report.

There may be only nine individuals left in the world, since fall of 2018. Their population continues to decrease due to illegal fishing in the protected areas of the Gulf.

Sumatran tiger

Sumatran tigers are the smallest living tiger subspecies that live in Sumatra, an Indonesian island. There are only 400 individuals left in the world, all of which live on the island.

Fauna and Flora International reported that most tigers get in conflict with humans due to habitat loss, resulting into their deaths. Their population continues to decrease due to habitat loss in no thanks to deforestation to make way for agriculture, timber harvesting and residential developments.

TRAFFIC, a monitoring group, reported that about 40 Sumatran tigers are killed every year as a result of illegal trade.

Black rhino

Between 1960 and 1995, the black rhino population reduced by 98 percent, largely due to poaching because of the high demand for its horns, which were used in traditional Asian medicine.

Though its population increased to more than 5,000 today thanks to conservation efforts in Africa, they are still not safe from illegal hunters who still hunt them for their horns.

Cross River gorilla

There are only 200 to 300 members of Cross River gorillas in the wild. According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF), these animals face threats from habitat loss, hunting and a loss of genetic diversity.

How you can help

There are a number of organizations that do their best in the conservation of these animals. Check them out here and make sure to support them as a way to help in wildlife conservation.

1. World Wildlife Fund
2. WildCats Conservation Alliance
3. African Conservation Foundation
4. Save the Rhino International
5. Fauna & Flaura International
6. VIVA Vaquita

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