Long ago, when humanity had just taken to the seas to voyage the world in the name of discovery and conquest, there was a dreaded disease that nearly took the lives of half of a ship’s crew. This maritime nightmare came to be known as scurvy.

A team of researchers has successfully reared an adult Mouse from
a single unfertilized egg, a scientific first, as reported by Margaret Osborne in a 2022 article for Smithsonian Magazine. The lab Rodent, who possessed only the mother’s genes, matured to adulthood and reproduced successfully, a feat which was previously thought to be impossible in Mammals, according to Alex Wilkins’ 2022 article for New Scientist.

Reptiles aren’t exactly the cuddliest of creatures on the planet – their cold bodies, pointy scales, and unusual body shapes have always struck fear in the hearts of humans for thousands of years.