There is no denying the fact that everything was put on hold when the pandemic broke out. Rabbit and Cavy shows were no exception.
The Philippine Rabbit and Cavy Club, Inc. (PRCC) hosted the recently concluded the first PRCC Rabbit and Cavy Show 2022 in November 2022 at Robinsons Galleria, Quezon City. This event was the first in-person show for Rabbits and Cavies in our country since COVID-19 happened.
Almost a hundred Rabbits and Cavies, together with their human parents, attended the show. Most came from and around Metro Manila, but some came from the provinces, including Nueva Ecija.
The event recognized the breeds, varieties, and standards set by ARBA. Each animal was judged according to how their specific breed and variety was described in the ARBA Standard of Perfection Book.
It was a carry cage show wherein the animals were brought to the coops in front of the judges. They were categorized according to breed and class.
Arie Wardhani (ARBA Judge #979), the first ARBA International Judge, flew in from Indonesia to be the Rabbit judge, and yours truly (ARBA Cavy Registrar #144 & Rabbit Registrar #1162) served as the Cavy judge for the show.

Chocolate Otter Junior Buck of MKDY Rabbitry, Best of Opposite Sex Breed in the 1st PRCC Rabbit and Cavy Show 2022

Siamese Sable Junior Doe of MKDY Rabbitry, Best of Breed in the 1st PRCC Rabbit and Cavy Show 2022
PRCC is a non-stock, non-profit organization registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission. It was established by 13 people in 2022 in order to create a harmonious group of individuals committed to raising quality rabbits and cavies.
PRCC is a charter of the American Rabbit Breeders’ Association, Inc (ARBA).

Proud Rabbit parents Michael and Adalla Carmen Evangelista of MKDY Rabbitry in Sta. Maria, Bulacan with ARBA Rabbit Judge Arie Wardhani and their promising Junior Britannia Petites
There were a total of 16 Rabbit and 6 Cavy breeds in the show, namely the American Chinchilla, Britannia Petite, Cinnamon, Dutch, English Angora, English Lop, English Spot, Himalayan, Holland Lop, Jersey Wooly, Lionhead, Mini Rex, Mini Satin, Netherland Dwarf, Standard Chinchilla, Tan and American, American Satin, Silkie, Teddy, Teddy Satin, and White Crested. If you’re not that familiar with different Rabbits and Cavies and are keen to see them in person, attending these shows should be added to your bucket list.
What I love seeing, aside from the variety of animals, is the group huddle by Rabbit and Cavy parents as they talked about their practices and the animals in their lives.
Different companies sponsored Rabbit and Cavy food and supplements, and they also provided show boards and grooming tables. The sponsors were there to showcase their products, which could help human guardians in raising their Rabbit and Cavy companions better.

Chesnut Agouti Britannia Petite of Sugar N’ Spice Rabbitry & Caviary

Black Otter Britannia Petite of Sugar N’ Spice Rabbitry & Caviary
According to a 2011 article by Tonna Thomas published in the ARBA Official Guide Book Raising Better Rabbits & Cavies, most exhibitors consider showing animals as a hobby due to the small monetary investment, and that this hobby attracts people from all walks of life as they meet and challenge each other’s breeding, management, and conditioning skills.
Bonnie Schmucker in 2011 published an article in the same book, mentioning how showing animals is not only good for the breed but also an excellent way to let the world know that animals are being raised with care.
He also mentioned that the competitive aspect of attending these shows for the purpose of winning must never overshadow the more important social aspects – knowledge, lifelong friendships, and respect for fellow participants.

Stoke, Ruby Eyed White Senior Buck Britannia Petite, the Best in Show in ARBA Convention 2022, with his Rabbit parents Randy Shumacker and Maddie Pratt
Here are seven questions you can ask yourself if you’re ready to join a show.
- Is your animal companion healthy and in good condition?
- Are they free from any signs of illness or injuries?
- Are you registering them to the show under the right sex, class, and variety?
- Are the identification marks intact and readable?
- Are their travel cages big enough?
- Have you packed their food, water, treats, and supplements?
- Have you packed all the grooming necessities and other supplies you need?

Broken Chestnut Agouti Britannia Petite of Sugar N’ Spice Rabbitry & Caviary
Best in Show Rabbit – English Angora Senior Doe (Alex Ong)
Best in Show Cavy – American Satin Intermediate Sow (Christian Macatula) Reserve in Show Rabbit – American Chinchilla Junior Doe (Jaime Lim) Reserve in Show Cavy – American Junior Sow (Christian Macatula)
American Chinchilla – Junior Doe (Jaime Lim)
Britannia Petite – Junior Doe (Michael Evangelista) Cinnamon – Senior Buck (Jaime Lim)
Dutch – Senior Doe (Jaime Lim)
English Angora – Senior Doe (Alex Ong)
English Lop – Senior Doe (Jaime Lim)
English Spot – Senior Doe (Jaime Lim)
Himalayan – Senior Buck (Jaime Lim)
Holland Lop – Senior Buck (Arnold Santiago)
Jersey Wooly – Junior Buck (Alex Ong)
Lionhead – Senior Doe (Eric and Liza Hernandez)
Mini Rex – Senior Buck (Justine De Leon)
Mini Satin – Senior Buck (Jaime Lim)
Netherland Dwarf – Senior Buck (Eric and Liza Hernandez) Standard Chinchilla – Senior Doe (Jaime Lim)
Tan – Senior Buck (Jaime Lim)
American – Junior Sow (Christian Macatula)
American Satin – Intermediate Sow (Christian Macatula) Silkie – Intermediate Sow (Goldwyn Bangcaya)
Teddy – Intermediate Boar (Christian Macatula)
Teddy Satin – Junior Sow (Christian Macatula)
American Chinchilla – Junior Buck (Jaime Lim) Britannia Petite – Junior Buck (Michael Evangelista) Cinnamon – Senior Doe (Jaime Lim)
English Angora – Junior Buck (Alex Ong)
English Spot – Senior Buck (Jaime Lim)
Himalayan – Senior Doe (Jaime Lim)
Holland Lop – Senior Doe (Eric and Liza Hernandez) Jersey Wooly – Junior Doe (Alex Ong)
Mini Satin – Senior Doe (Jaime Lim)
Standard Chinchilla – Senior Buck (Jaime Lim)
Tan – Senior Doe (Jaime Lim)
American – Senior Boar (Christian Macatula) Teddy – Junior Sow (Edson Oasnon)
Best Junior Rabbit – English Angora (Alex Ong) Best Junior Cavy – American (Christian Macatula) Best Fur Rabbit – English Angora (Alex Ong)
Best Hair Cavy – Silkie (Goldwyn Bangcaya)
Best Color Rabbit – Standard Chinchilla (Jaime Lim) Best Color Cavy – Himalayan (Jaime Lim)

PRCC will be holding another show in March 2023. Details will be posted on their Facebook page, Philippine Rabbit & Cavy Club.
Dr. Rich Briones is a veterinarian by profession and the first and only American Rabbit Breeders’ Association (ARBA) Rabbit and Cavy (Dual) Registrar in the Philippines. She is a board member of the Philippine Rabbit & Cavy Club, Inc. and is appointed to ARBA International Liaison Committee for 2022.