Irrawaddy Dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) are small dolphins who look a bit like dugongs. Reaching just under three meters in length,…
For most human parents, adoption is often viewed as a last resort when all other means of conception fails. For…
To avoid the capture and captivity of many animals, entrepreneurs from New Zealand are working with American creators to develop…
Washington, United States (AFP) – In early 1974, Do Da was top in espionage class, on the way to becoming…
Taiji’s dolphin hunting season has kicked off once again in Japan, signaling hundreds of dolphins to be slaughtered. Recently, a…
Dwarf spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris roseiventris) were spotted for the first time in years at the Tañon Strait, a narrow…
A dead seven foot male dolphin was washed ashore on Fort Meyers Beach in Big Carlos Pass on Friday last…
Scientists and researchers discovered over a dozen dolphins stranded on the beaches of Florida and Massachusetts to have brains full…
In the summer of 2016, marine biologists assessed the planet’s largest coral reef, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, which is 25…
Every year, thousands of animals are accidentally caught by offshore fishing industries. Many of those usually wash up on France’s…