The Insect world can be vicious, vile, and downright dangerous, but they can also be sweet and, dare I say,…
The ironclad beetle has a reputation to being able to withstand being run over by a car or stabbed. Thry…
Researchers from the United States have developed a tiny wireless camera light enough for beetles to carry and record their…
For more than 60 years, researchers and scientists have been studying the behavior of the mysterious Florida ants (Formica archboldi).…
In a few decades, we will permanently bid farewell to 40% of insect species, says a 2019 study by Francisco…
Scientists uncovered a secret language made by bees when they try to communicate the location of their high-value flower patches…
Locusts swarmed through East Africa as a result of extreme weather swings, which could prove catastrophic for the region, according…
We can all agree that cockroaches are scary as they are and the flying ones definitely cause fear and panic.…
Body Basics They have a large range of sizes, with outlier captured specimens reaching 18, and even supposedly 20 centimeters…
The family Phasmatodea is comprised of both the stick and leaf insects, with the former diversifying into a spectacular assemblage…