Meet Bontenmaru, a Shih Tzu who lives in Tokyo, Japan with his owners. With about 24,000 followers on Instagram, his pictures continue to gain thousands of likes thanks to his fashion sense, and “hairstyle” that had people liking him even more!

Tomoyo Matsuura, hooman to 6-year-old Bontenmaru recently spoke with Bored Panda in an interview and shared more insights about the adorable Shih Tzu.

“I met Bontenmaru by chance when entering a store and since then, every day has been happy and pleasant since he came to our house,” he said. “Our routine with him is not much different from the routine of any other dog. I go for a walk every morning, he plays with other dogs, and in the afternoon, he takes a nice nap.”

But the real question followers ask is: Who does his hair?

“Botenmaru goes to the barbershop once a month, and when there’s no time to take him, I’m the one who cuts his hair myself,” Matsuura added.

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