We are only counting days before the big, festive and loud New Year’s Day celebration. Grand fireworks display would be seen in all corners of the starry sky, but sadly, not everyone’s going to enjoy the night.

Some dogs might get anxious or afraid while hearing the sound or sight of the fireworks.

“It is natural for dogs to be afraid of loud noises. The sound triggers their nervous systems, and they can become anxious or afraid,” said dog whisperer Cesar Millan on his site, cesarsway.com. “Running away from the noise is a survival instinct.”

Millan explained that fireworks are accompanied by a loud booming sound and a burning smell, which could be overwhelming to dogs.

Dogs might panic, take flight and could injure themselves in the process if human companions do not take the right preparation.

So here are a few tips to help you and your paw-some dogs have a less stressful New Year’s Day:

Exercise your dog before the clock turns midnight.

According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), it is good to take your dog out for exercise before the New Year’s Eve. It has been reported that “a tired and well-fed dog will likely be less anxious during the night.”

Create a comfortable place.

As much as possible, keep your dogs in a place away from fireworks – like a doggie day care or a relative’s home, which your dog is familiar with.

Never let your dogs outside. Instead, keep them in a room with a classical music on to calm their nerves.

ID’s – check!

If you have your dog/s with you during parties or accidentally left them outside your house, you better make sure to have your fur-babies’ ID’s and other important documents in case your dog panicked and accidentally escaped your premises.

Let them wear an ID tag or have your pets microchipped now!

Ask Your Vet

If you think your dogs cannot control the fireworks’ noise, consult your trusted veterinarian to know if it is necessary to use medication to calm them.


Millan said that the best way to prepare your dogs is to make sure they are comfortable and familiar with the “fireworks sounds” in advance. You may play a recorded fireworks sound and increase its volume before he eats, a walk outside or playtime.

“This will condition him by association to hear the sound and interpret it as something good,” said Millan.

Though this method usually takes over two weeks to a month, it usually has a positive result.

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