Birds are a popular pet for both young and old. It makes no difference if you are sixteen or seventy-six, male or female, and living in the city or the province; if you enjoy the wonders of nature, breeding birds will surely enchant you.

Pet ownership is associated with several benefits: companionship and love, along with the fun they can bring to a household. Clinical studies show that having pets helps to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, prevent heart disease, and fight depression. In addition, a third of the pet owners consider their pets as children or family members.

History has also shown that during economic slowdowns, consumers will cut back on spending for large expenses, but will continue to spend on small investments that they consider either entertaining or amusing. It’s safe to say that people are going to have their pets, regardless of the economic situation—and there is always a good demand for pet birds in our country and the rest of the world.

Given the present economic trend, almost everybody is looking for means and ways to augment their everyday income. Whether you are dissatisfied with your current job, are looking for an extra source of income, or just want the freedom that comes with owning your own business, you should consider raising pet birds if you already like and keep them.

Breeding parakeets, budgerigars, cockatiels, lovebirds, finches, and other pet birds is considered by many to be “The Greatest Backyard Business Ever,” and it can be done full-time or part-time. Even better, what starts out as a part-time business can turn into a full-time family business that will allow you the opportunity to work from home, make an extremely good living, take wonderful vacations, send your children through college, and take an early retirement.

While some of those who get into bird breeding are only looking for way to supplement their incomes, others have decided to turn it into a full-time business. And if you decide to do so make the quality of your breeds your number one priority.

One of the secrets of a successful home-based business is that it must fill a niche market, provide something that is truly needed, and is not a get-rich-quick scheme. The pet bird business has stood the test of time. History has shown that most people will spend on pets in good times as well as in bad times.

Taking the step to breeding birds as a business when one is already a bird keeper or fancier is an excellent opportunity for retirees, stay-at-home moms, or anyone who can devote a little time each week to a business that is both enjoyable and rewarding. While it is not something that will make you rich quick, it is a legitimate, well-rewardingdocumented business that is well over 100 years old. If you are willing to put in the effort, success can be yours. It’s simply not a hard business to learn. You will be the one who sets your limits.

Some people who have engaged in intensive bird breeding have used the income to send their kids through college. Others are retired, but were able to enjoy a better lifestyle in their twilight years as a result of breeding their birds. There are also handicapped individuals who have found that their disadvantages were not a big barrier to this livelihood. It’s even helped stay-at-home moms avoid boredom, and given dads the opportunity to bird-watch instead of spending their free time on vices. The future of the pet bird business looks as good as ever: fun, enjoyable, and best of all, profitable.

“In order to succeed, you must know what you are doing, like what you are doing, and believe in what you are doing.”

Breeding area.


• Age or gender are not factor that affect success

• They get to spend more time with their families

• They can set their own work hours

• No employees or costly equip-ment needed (for the most part)

• The income flow is year-round

• Entrepreneurs get to set their own income levels

• Bird breeding is a business that can be operated anywhere in the country, whether in the city or province

• Raising pet birds is fun, exciting and rewarding

This story appeared in Animal Scene’s December 2015 issue. 


Amelita Escalona is a contributor for Manila Bulletin's Animal Scene magazine.

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