Crocodile sightings in Florida are no unfamiliar sight for many locals. There have been reports from local media about pet crocs being taken out for a walk with their humans – and yes, they are on a leash like a domesticated animal.

When they thought they have seen it all, a local recently uploaded photos and a video of a crocodile swimming across a canal in Key Largo earlier this month.

Victor Perez, the man who posted the video, was just hanging on his balcony, when he first saw a bright yellow pool noodle at the canal behind his home. And then when he tried to focus on it, he saw the croc was actually using the pool noodle to cross the canal.

“I’m on my balcony, and all of a sudden, I see this noodle and there’s a crocodile hanging off of it,” Perez told the Miami Herald. “It was just cruising along, and I was like, ‘OK, where’s the swimmer?’, ‘What happened to the guy with the noodle?’”

Though Perez can’t exactly say for sure how the crocodile came about with the pool noodle, but “he looked like just any typical Florida tourist!” exclaimed Perez.

“We see crocs from time to time in our canal but never one on a noodle,” Perez then told FOX 13. “He could have been up from north on vacation just chilling.”

Check the original story here: Science Alert

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