Dogs and Cats are the most popular animal companions. They have been loyal for centuries, and it has been a culture for our canine and feline friends to be beginner companions, to which I would agree to a certain extent.

or those whose ages range from 6 to 14 years old, I would suggest that they consider options other than Dogs and Cats. The same advice applies to adults who have never had animal companions in the past. Time, cost, and responsibility are main factors to consider.

Here are my top three recommendations, one for each major group stipulated by the very name of this corner: Fins, Feathers, and Fur!


Hamsters are small, nocturnal rodents and have friendly demeanor, as long as we learn to interact with them properly. Popular types of Hamsters include Syrian, Campbell, and Roborovski.

They are great as first-time animal companions for the following reasons.


The average length of a Hamster is 2 to 6 inches, depending on the species. They can live from 1.5 to 3 years.


Hamsters are omnivores, and their diet consists of a mix of seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables. Commercial hamster food is available and provides a balanced diet. Their food is very economical and readily available, and they consume very little quantity.


A single Hamster needs only a small space. They can be comfortably housed in a 24 x 10 x 12 inch enclosure.

To ensure that they thrive and remain happy, they need bedding material, hiding caves, a wheel for exercise, and various toys.


The Hamster’s behavior will depend on different factors, including what kind of Hamster they are. For example, Syrian Hamsters are solitary and should be kept alone, as they can be territorial and may fight if housed together.


A Hamster can cost anywhere from Php 100 to Php 800, while enclosures cost Php 500 to Php 1 thousand.


Caring for Hamsters is relatively easy as they are generally solitary companions.

When provided the right conditions, such as the right temperature and a clean environment, Hamsters can take care of themselves. No need for supplements; just the basic food requirements will do. If one learns to interact with them and handle them properly, they are not prone to injuries.

Also, cleaning the enclosures would take only 15 to 30 minutes a day.


Many human guardians are quite happy simply watching their Hamster companions, because they act funny and love to use their wheels. Many of them also don’t mind being touched and cuddled with, as long as there is proper socialization.

Students and employees who work during the day will find that it’s not complicated to care for them, since Hamsters tend to be more mellow during the day and are a lot more active at night, right when their human guardians are home. Living in a condo unit, townhouse, or apartment won’t be a problem.


Betta Fishes are also called Siamese Fighting Fishes. They are very popular because of their vibrant colors and elaborate fins.

They are considered solitary companions with some caveats: All females can be solitary, while males can have other tank mates. Popular Betta Fish types include Veiltail, Crowntail, Halfmoon, and Plakat.

For the following reasons, they make good animal companions for those who have never had any before.


The size of an adult Betta Fish typically ranges from 2 to 3 inches, with the males often being a bit bigger than the females. Betta Fishes has an average lifespan of three years.


A Betta Fish costs anywhere from Php 50 to Php 200, while tank prices range from Php 150 to Php 500. The cost of a high protein commercial feed is around Php 100, which can last a month.


You need only a turkey baster to remove bottom debris in the tank once a day. This would cost you 10 minutes, maximum.

The cost of maintenance is almost none, because they use less than a liter of tap water — no filtration or air pumps for aeration needed. Someone caring for a Betta Fish can upgrade the setup anytime.


Bettas come in a variety of colors, including shades of red, blue, green, yellow, and even iridescent combinations and different color patterns.

Compared to Guppy Fishes, I find Betta colors more fascinating. They are calm when alone or with compatible tank mates, yet they automatically become so fierce and aggressive when they see a male counterpart, including their own reflection, especially if the glass tends to have a good mirror effect. They are so interactive and beautiful as they flare their fins.


Homing Pigeons, also known as Racing Pigeons, are a special breed of domestic Pigeons who can be trained to find their way home over long distances. They are known for their remarkable homing ability. They come in various colors and patterns, including pied (two-colored) and grizzled patterns.

Here’s why anyone who has yet to have an animal companion might find it easy to care for them.


Homing Pigeons have an average lifespan of 10 years.


The cost of a Pigeon is around Php 100 to Php 500. It is best to get them in pairs, since they are very social creatures.


Pigeons are very hardy companions who don’t get sick easily, and they tend to recover well as long as they are treated with care. They can easily adapt to medications when they are sick. Case in point: I have a Pigeon who has been with me for 20 years.

Maintaining the loft for a pair of Pigeons would take 20 minutes.


When Pigeons are socialized well, they can eat on your hand and stay with you on your shoulders.

Aside from their colors being beautiful, Pigeons flying and coming home to their loft is a sight to behold. Of course, they need to be trained to do so.



Not everyone who has these animals cares for them, so make sure to take home an animal only from those whom you know actually treat them well.

If you’re hoping to acquire your animal companion from someone who is home-based, make sure that they have quarantine procedures.


When at a pet store, make sure that their temporary habitats there should be clean and well-maintained. How they are housed will give you an idea about your future animal companion’s health.


Prepare a list of things to watch out for and how to spot danger signs.


Hamsters are supposed to sleep during the day, so try looking for your future animal companion when the store is about to close to see how active the Hamster is.


Bettas always stay at the bottom, so get a small mirror or place two Bettas side by side and watch if they would flare their fins at each other.


Pigeons, specifically males, are very active, always showing off their alpha behavior. Both males and females should look alert when interacting with each other.


The best scenario for anyone looking to care for an animal companion for the first time is that they learn how to do so without spending too much, and that they enjoy the companionship rather than being stressed out discovering complicated needs.

For questions, please email [email protected].
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7 ESV


Manuel Yap is a contributor for Manila Bulletin's Animal Scene magazine.