Do you make – and keep – all of your New Year’s resolutions? If so, please consider committing to resolutions that benefit the earth and its animals.
Here are some examples of doable resolutions with a profound, positive impact on our planet.

The New York Times said that a plant-based diet results in 75% less greenhouse gas emissions than eating over 3.5 ounces of meat daily.
Also, you can enjoy delicious fruits, cheese, milk, cereal, and grains. Greek philosopher Pythagoras was controversially thought of having formed the ethical vegetarian cult Orphism in 6 B.C., although some philosophers think of him as merely an initiate. Orphics believe that due to reincarnation, killing or eating animals defiles the soul and renders one unworthy of a higher station in their next life.
In India, Hindus and Buddhists think of vegetarianism as compassionate nonviolence toward animals.
In the Bible, humans and animals were vegetarian when Adam and Eve lived in Paradise (Genesis 1:29-30). However, after the flood of Noah, God allowed people to eat meat as well.

A vegan diet eliminates meat, eggs, cheese, and dairy. The word veganism was coined by Donald Watson in 1944 to differentiate it from vegetarianism.
[Many of our readers might not be aware of the sad fate of animals in egg and dairy industries. For instance, it is common practice for big egg farms to grind male Chicks — alive, at that — as there is no profit to be had in growing them. Mother Cows, on the other hand, are impregnated and their babies taken away from them over and over so that they could be milked until they are “spent”, with their bodies no longer producing milk in a profitable way. -Ed.]
Veganism promotes the exclusion of all cruelty to animals and forwards animal-free alternatives, which benefits the environment as well.

As a child, I laced our garden with uncooked rice for the Birds. Soon, Birds sat on our garden wall until I poured all the rice on the grass. As they ate, I lovingly observed them from my window.
Birds contribute to the environment in many ways. They pollinate fruits like papayas and bananas. Feeding Birds helps them during migration and so that they can navigate through harsh weather.
The ancient Mayans believed Birds were messengers from God. Today, the Hindus still believe this, and the Bible describes the Holy Spirit as a Dove in Matthew 3:16.

The Philippine Animal Welfare Society welcomes volunteers for Dog walking, bathing, cuddling, grooming, kennel cleaning, and assisting outreach programs.
You can keep your full-time job and enjoy family time, because you need to commit only eight hours a month as a volunteer for six months, according to your preferred time and schedule.
Check out their website for more information.

You can go to a Dog shelter, or bring one home who’s living near your house.
My neighbor noticed a pregnant Aspin hiding under a car. She fed her for one week, put a collar on her neck, and gently tugged her home with a leash. The Dog trusted her and lived with her. I noticed that in general, adopted Dogs have a deep sense of love and gratitude.

Dogs love in a healing way. I learned this when my mom was dying from a long illness. At the time, my daughter and husband wanted so much from me, but I could only withdraw inside of myself.
When we got an Aspin whom we named Winniechurchill, everything changed. Winnie helped me come out of myself, and she always gave me the love that I could handle.
Eventually, she brought our family back together again because, despite my grief, I learned to open up to those around me.
In a way, Winniechurchill saved my life.
What changes do you plan on making this year for the benefit of animals? Did the above suggestions give you any new ideas?
Whatever your resolutions are, I hope you can keep them as realistic as possible so that you can sustain them for the rest of the year.