Snakes are beautiful, fascinating, yet often misunderstood animals who fill an important place in the web of life. Native Americans revered the Snake as a keen-eyed creature who possessed visionary powers. In Chinese mythology, Snakes are also held in high regard, unlike in Western cultures where they are treated as villains. The Chinese have long regarded Snakes as a symbol of the great power of nature and have associated the ability to handle Snakes with the ability to handle nature itself. Snake imagery such as paintings and figurines can be found in many Chinese households.

However, unlike their artistic counterparts, wild Snakes definitely do not belong inside our homes, so it can be quite a shock to come across a Snake in the living room. Snakes will enter a home for various reasons, such as avoiding heat and rough weather, or to pursue prey. If Snakes persist in entering your home, this may be indicative of a Rodent, Bird, or Insect population in your house as well.

Keep in mind that the Snake may be just as shocked to encounter you as well! That is why it is important to keep your calm to avoid provoking the Snake while you identify them.


Some people do like keeping Snakes as companions, but unfortunately, this always means there’s a risk that they would escape, as they are instinctively driven to do so. Simply put, wild animals belong in the wild, and the Humane Society of the United States of America does not recommend Snakes to be kept as companion animals.


Why is it important to first identify the Snake? Not all Snakes are venomous, and it takes different techniques to deal with different ones. Some Snake species are more aggressive, while some are timid and skittish.

Always assume at first, however, that you are dealing with a venomous Snake, and don’t take any unnecessary risks. If you have identified the Snake as non-venomous and who poses no immediate danger to people or pets, then leave them alone. If the Snake has a way to get inside your house, then odds are they have a way to leave by themself as well.

Another way to deal with non-venomous Snakes is simply by sweeping them away. Either sweep them out of your hose gently or sweep the Snake into a bucket with a sealable lid for later release.


Deadly, venomous Snakes are an entirely different story. King Cobras, found in the rain forests, bamboo thickets, mangroves, mountains, and rivers of the Philippines, carry enough venom to kill 20 humans or an adult elephant, while Philippine Cobras can spit venom up to 3 meters away with deadly accuracy. The neurotoxin in Cobra venom attacks the brain and nervous system and can result in cardiac and respiratory failure, leading to death.


Once you do spot a Snake in your house, you may want to ensure that no further incidents occur in the future. Most Snakes enter human homes at ground level, through small cracks or holes that are no more than an eighth of an inch wide.

With a few simple precautions you can ensure that your home is snake-free, which protects both the humans and the snakes in this situation.
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Cliff Sawit is a writer and lawyer who shares his home with three beloved cats: Ezio, Simba, and Mikan. When he’s not crafting prose or drafting pleadings, Cliff enjoys spending quality time with his feline companions, who inspire his creativity and provide endless amusement.

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