The recent launch of the BuleXc club, with the full support of exotic animal crusader Jimi Lim and Reptile X, introduced its newly elected officers to its members and the public.

The oath-taking ceremony was administered by Lim, who also gave a speech which inspired members to do their best with their exotic pets.

The launch also had the aim of providing private exotic animal owners a club where they can interact with others who have similar interests, BuleXc was founded in 2014 by Rodney Dizon, with the club’s main objective being the bringing together of various exotic animal lovers and hobbyists—whether veterans or newbies—in Bulacan in order to share information and practical knowledge about the handling, feeding, and keeping of exotic animals.

“The cost of your exotic pet, whether inexpensive or high-priced, is not important in BuleXc. What’s important is that you enjoy your exotic pet and that you are willing to share your experiences (with your) colleagues. We are indeed a family in this club helping each other,” said Dizon, currently president of BuleXc.

Present during the launch were key supporter and influencer Vice Mayor Andre Santos of Marilao, Bulacan, Vice Mayor Andre Favian Santos, and affiliantes and sponsors Philippine BOA Keepers, led by their president Jing Oliveros, Bulacan Rat Farm, and Piktyure Tayo.Interested exotic pet enthusiasts may visit the Office of the Vice Mayor in Patubig, Marilao, Bulacan every Friday from 1-3 p.m. to apply for membership; they may also visit the Bulacan Exotic Club (BULEXC) public page on Facebook for more information.

Photos by Piktyure Tayo

This appeared without a byline as “BuleXc for Exotic Pet Lovers” in Animal Scene’s September 2015 issue.


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